2015-03-23 13:54:30


U sklopu obilježavanja Dana planeta Zemlje 22. travnja i ove godine OŠ Dobriša Cesarić obilježit će niz aktivnosti skupljene pod zajedničkim nazivom Zeleni tjedan. Poziv je to svima na osvještavanje o našem odnosu prema okolišu u kojem živimo i planeti koju ostavljamo budućim generacijama. U projekt će se uključiti svi naraštaji škole sa svojim učiteljicama i razrednicima kroz različite aktivnosti; sadnja cvijeća, plakati prezentacija, a kulminacija tjedna bit će završna priredba 25. travnja, 2015. s posebnim gostom. Ove se godine projekt održava pod geslom "REUSE-REDUCE-RECYCLE." Sudjelujte i dođite!

HOW TO BE A LIGHT BULB? -Firstly, we are all just a piece of cold plastic. Then, you see we want to be something more; we want to live forever, in someone's memories. The question is: „Is it really possible? Could it be that you're the one, the one who’s chosen to live forever? ...To be a light bulb in the dark? “Of course, it could. We just have to be strong, strong enough to make it happen. We must believe in our selves. All of us, we are just waiting for someone who will switch us on. But that won't happen. We must do it by ourselves. But how should we do it? The Light was made by love, peace and friendship. If you're sure that you’ve got all of them, you're a light bulb, too. What if you don't? –You must be patient, but you also cannot wait forever, 'cause if you do, you’ll lose it. We’re all different. And because of it, some of us are already on, some of us will be switched on, and some maybe never. But we cannot judge anyone, 'cause our light can be turned off in a second. So everything that we've lived for will be gone, gone forever.” Nora Pisker, 6.a

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